FM Starting Point is a completely FREE FileMaker CRM designed for use with FileMaker® 19. FMSP is focused on small businesses, work groups, and non-profit organizations.
FileMaker users have been enjoying the benefits of FMSP for over ten years, with over 700,550 downloads of the solution. FMSP offers an integrated approach to an integral need in the business world — a complete CRM ready to be built upon to create the perfect solution for your specific needs. Experienced FileMaker Pro users will value a FREE tool that makes building a new project substantially easier.
To save time on your next project, simply start with a fresh copy of FMSP. Then, add additional tables, fields, and scripts to customize the database to your exact needs fully.
FMSP 2022 features support the new features of FileMaker 19, including Master-Detail View and more. Additionally, FMSP 2022 is optimized for WebDirect 19, allowing for limited deployments in a web browser.
Watch this video to learn about FMSP 2022’s new features!
FileMaker CRM
What is a CRM, and do you need one well? A CRM is a customer relationship management system, and that’s a pretty good definition of what it does. It allows an organization to track the communications and interaction with each customer, so it helps to manage or coordinate the relationship with each individual, lead, or customer. Now a modern CRM is a centralized system that allows all the users, whether they’re on desktops or laptop computers, or any sort of mobile device. It allows all these people to access the same shared information, so the team is collaborating as they work to communicate and sell to their customers.
Now the collaboration part of a CRM is one of the biggest pieces. The whole idea with the CRM is that each of your team can see what’s going on with each customer or a lead, and so, for example, say your back office staff takes a phone call, and they want to update some information about that customer conversation. They would go to that customer screen. They would create a new note.
They would share that information, and then everyone on their mobile devices or desktop computers could access that and see that, which is great now that CRMs are not just about communications. It’s also about managing customer expectations, which is a big part of it. So, depending upon your business processes, you might manage orders right, inventory that’s being shipped to a customer site, and the status of customer pos. All these sorts of things can come into that relationship management.
It’s not just about tracking the phone calls and emails, it’s about a whole process, and if you automate parts of that process, then the CRM can help you now. The best kind of CRM is one that can be easily customized and adapted to each business. There are a great number of canned CRM systems that are available. Most of these CRMs are rather limited because It’s not easy to customize them to fit your needs.
Once again, the CRM should be easily modifiable to support your business, your automation, and the processes that you’ve set up within your organization. On the flip side of this, there are going to be free one-person, little CRM applications that you might download from the apple app store, for example; now, while free might sound like a really good deal, the reality is that these applications will not provide the customization Or the features or the collaboration or, frankly, the encryption and security that you need to build a robust system for your team. Now, if you’re watching this video, you are probably a problem solver in your organization, you realize your organization is missing some sort of capability or some sort of software, and you’re looking to find out what that could be well. May I suggest to you that you’re looking for a CRM that is fully featured and fully powered yet provides extensive customization capabilities right at a price?
It’s not going to break the bank. Let me suggest that you take a look at a software platform that is owned and used by apple incorporated. This software platform has over a million users using it every day. It’s called the FileMaker platform, and this platform is designed specifically to allow you to bring innovation into your organization to your team.
Now the good news about the FileMaker platform is that It’s reasonably priced, and it works pretty much on all computers and mobile devices. Additionally, there is a pre-built CRM that’s free that’s available to all FileMaker users, and this makes for a great place to start your CRM innovation project within your organization now obviously, having a pre-built CRM will save you a ton of time, but It’s unlocked It’s available For you to customize, and so what we’ve done is laid the tracks to allow you to easily implement your customizations to support your specific business processes within your organization. So the question I asked at the beginning of the video is: do you need a CRM? Well, are you happy with the way that you’re tracking your customers, you tracking your leads you’re tracking, your follow-ups? Are you happy with the way you’re tracking your customer’s orders, their expectations, their jobs, their projects, and their delivery dates? If you’re happy with all that, then maybe you need customized software that solves a different problem. Of course, the FileMaker platform is not just about CRMs, it’s about the event, management and inventory management and supply, chain management, and any type of data organization you need.
FileMaker can do it. It just so happens that about half the people out there who are watching this video need a CRM. So I just wanted to give you a little bit of a steer here regarding the way you might want to look in evaluating the FileMaker platform.
Richard Carlton is a longtime veteran of the FileMaker Community. With his 30 years of experience, he has built a team of 32 FileMaker developers and supporting staff throughout North America. The headquarters of RCC and FMTraining.TV is in Santa Clara, CA.
Richard is best known for his video courses on the FileMaker Platform, developing “FM Starting Point” Business Software (free to everyone). RCC is involved with every facet of the FileMaker platform, including training, development of custom apps, and large-scale deployments with organizations.
Richard has published numerous FileMaker Books (available on Amazon)